Government Politics Society

Life under Socialism, Recounted by Jose Borrajero

This article is the second of a multi-part series on life under socialism, recounted by people who’ve actually lived under socialism. In this second interview (this first is at this link), recorded in 2012, Mr. José Borrajero describes life under Fidel Castro’s Cuba and his family’s escape to the United States. No one is more […]

Government Politics Society

Life under Socialism: Recounted by Zina Brodovsky

This article is the first of what will be a multi-part series on life under socialism, recounted by people who’ve actually lived under socialism. In this initial article, Brad Zinn* interviews Zina Brodovsky*, a naturalized US citizen who lived under Soviet socialism and communism in the former USSR. Americans who think socialism sounds like a […]

Government Politics

AG William Barr on Rioters, Censorship, DOJ Corruption, Mike Flynn, and Media Complicity

Low-key but tenacious Attorney General William Barr joins Sen. Ted Cruz and Michael Knowles to address: prosecuting rioters and statue destroyers (2:02) Big-Tech censorship (7:25) autonomous zones (13:40) DOJ corruption (14:40) the Mike Flynn travesty (16:06) media complicity and malfeasance (20:55) how the DOJ has changed since he was last there (26:26) why he came […]

Government Politics

Best Interviews of 2020 – Atty General William Barr

Calm, clear, and incisive, here is Attorney General William Barr answering well-formed questions from Fox News’ anchor Maria Bartiromo. In about 36 minutes total, Bartiromo and Barr cover most of the major news and political issues of June, 2020. It is well-edited, and it is worth every serious American’s time to listen to this material […]

Government Politics Society

Imagine No Police Force

Surely, I thought, this must be parody. But I was wrong! In support of the Left’s new defund-the-police mantra, Godfrey Elfwick wrote (June 9, 2020) the following paragraph in the article titled “Imagine No Police Force” in The Spectator, a 192-year-old British journal: I’m hearing inane questions such as ‘But what if my house is […]

Government Politics

A Power Check Amendment for the US Constitution via Article V

[Originally written in May, 2020, this proposal is even more relevant today with $3.5 Trillion bills that may be passed into law without proper review!] If We the People could add just one amendment to the Constitution, what should it be? What one amendment would restrain, continuously and simultaneously, the excesses of Congress, the Supreme […]